Letterpressed Thanks!

What better occasion (and you send them before the massive piles of holiday mail begin) than Thanksgiving to send letterpressed love to your friends and family to show them just how much you care?! Here are a few of our favorite cards we letterpressed for the most gracious turkey day of the year!

(eggplant and papaya letterpress wreath card, letterpressed sage thankgiving feast card, chestnut letterpress thankful card)

Mother's Day Go-To Gifts!

Here's a quick sampling of my favorite Mother's Day go-to gifts!!  We're always so busy with the Spring wedding season and preparing for The National Stationery Show that, admittedly, this holiday sneaks up on me each year.  Many of these are easy to put together at the last minute and do truly touch the heart!  Oh and that last one I threw in there ... that's a big 'ole hint for my better half!

1... Mom's own stationery wardrobe.  Specifically from Haute Papier's letterpress and foil Bold & Beautiful collection.  The mix and match options are just too much to handle (in a good way of course)!!  2... A stunning bouquet.  We love all the inspiration we get these days from Pinterest and our local floral friends.  It's easy enough to grab unique silver bowl or vase at a estate or yard sale and fill it with a one-of-a-kind-touch-the-heart bouquet.  I'm not sure if she does individual bouquets or just events, but for a drop-dead gorgeous bouquet that you don't have to assemble, give our friend Holly of Holly Heider Chapple Flowers a call to see if she can put something stunning together for you!  Give her enough notice - this super mom deserves a ton of time off around this sacred holiday!  3... Photo books!  We love the photo books at My Publisher.  And they often have a give one-get one special.  I call that a win win!  4... Dinner for a week.  I'm a busy mom and dinner time can be quite hectic, but who says a few ready-to-go freezer meals or stocking the fridge full of family faves isn't a good option for that special mom in your life?  Think about all the meals she's put together for you over the years.  Why not let her take a week off dinner duty!  5... A professional house cleaning.  No explanation needed!

Real Party: Karen's 35th!

Check out these two color letterpressed birthday party invites we printed for Karen from Soiree San Francisco!  We actually got to meet Karen a couple of weeks ago when she was in town for her "day job" at the CEB.  She visited our warehouse in Rosslyn to meet our presses and design some custom personal stationery - we can't wait to share that too... she's keeping with the fuchsia and adding one of our favorite new elements - gold foil!   We hope you have a wonderful birthday in Tahoe Karen!!